Pittsburgh Commercial Photography: Behind the Scenes

They say to focus on your niche and for the most part, I do. I adore photographing babies and families and definitely feel it’s my jam. But I haven’t been able to follow this business recommendation because I enjoy being able to switch it up a bit and I think it keeps me sharp as a photographer. So I thought I’d share a little BTS from a project last year doing headshots for a local small business. Photos of me were taken by Melissa Rosenwald, who assisted me during the shoot. This was a half-day commercial shoot and we photographed 14 headshots and two environmental portraits.

This shoot took place during the green phase of Pennsylvania’s coronavirus reopening plan.  And the staff who were photographed wore masks when they weren’t being photographed. For this shoot, my camera was tethered to my laptop for live previews so that my client could give me feedback and note images that were definite keepers.

I don’t look particularly smiley in these photos because I’m focused on my work. And while no one could see my smile behind the mask, I hope the finished result shows that my subjects were comfortable. And when I packed up my gear and left, you couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face the rest of that day. It feels good to know I did a job well done. And oftentimes that smile carries on into my edits. I end up staring at the monitor with a great big smile.

If you have a small business and would like to updated photos of your staff, workplace, or product, I’d love to help!  Please check out my commercial page for more information.